İstehsal dizel yanacaq və ya sıxılmış qaz
Aktiv sabitlik sistemi (SAS)
3,5 t və 7-dən çox
Son emissiya normativlərinə uyğundur
Toyota Tonero yükgötürmə qabiliyyəti 3,5 tona qədər olan sabit yük avtomobilləri açıq havada ağır iş şəraitindən ağır iş şəraitinə qədər sabitlik və məhsuldarlığı təmin edir. Yük maşınının səs-küyünün və vibrasiyasının aşağı səviyyəsi, həmçinin kabinlərin geniş seçimi sürücünün rahatlığına imkan yaradır. Bu sürətli və manevr modelləri dizel və ya qaz mühərrikləri ilə istehsal olunur. Biz həmçinin IMC-ni otaqda dar əməliyyatlar üçün yarımkeçirici şinləri olan yük maşınları təklif edirik.
All Toyota Tonero counterbalanced trucks up to 3,5 t are available with hydrostatic transmission as an alternative to torque converter. A hydrostatic transmission (HST) improves manoeuvrability and enables quick changes in direction, powerful engine braking and acceleration. While torque converter transmissions are ideal for longer travel distances and smooth overall driving.
As from 2t, the Tonero Stage V HST models offer now ultimate driver comfort with a full floating driver compartment ensuring lower vibrations and noise levels
Designed for intense applications, the high-tonnage Toyota Tonero counterbalanced trucks are equipped with a durable chassis and powerful Toyota engines for maximum performance. These reliable trucks come with a LPG or diesel engine and are easy to service. We also offer engine-powered counterbalanced trucks with cushion tyres for narrow indoor operations.
Stage V, or Stage 5, is the new European Emission Regulation for Non-Road Mobile Machinery, including forklift trucks ((EU) 2016/1628), which came into force on 1 January 2019. The purpose of Stage 5 is to reduce the emissions from combustion engines by lowering the limit of exhaust levels of diesel and gasoline (LPG) engines.
What do I have to do as a customer?
We made sure our engines are compliant, offering you Toyota quality and performance as always, with the lowest impact on total cost of ownership (TCO). Toyota Material Handling continues to work with Toyota engines that offer all advantages regards to durability, parts availability, ease of serviceability, and many more. Contact your local Toyota sales representative for more advice on choosing the right forklifts for your application.