-30 dərəcə temperatur üçün
Soyuducu kameraların xüsusi xüsusiyyətləri və hər bir model üçün əlavələr
Sizin ehtiyaclarınızı nəzərə alaraq Xidmət müqaviləsi
Toyota yük avtomobillərinin tam çeşidi heç bir dəyişiklik olmadan 0C-ə qədər səmərəli işləmək üçün nəzərdə tutulmuşdur. Lakin, -30 C-ə qədər temperatur üçün ən çox yük maşını uyğunlaşdırmaq məcburiyyətində qalacaq. Toyota paslanmayan polad, soyuducu kameralar üçün yağ, sürüşməyən platformalar, qızdırılan batareyalar və s.daxil ola bilər. Toyota pallet üçün əl arabaları, sifariş toplayıcıları, məhv və çox dar keçidlər (VNA), eləcə də soyuducu kameralarda istifadə üçün tam dizayn edilə bilər ki, balanslaşdırılmış yük maşınları, o cümlədən anbar yük maşınları, geniş çeşidini təklif edir. Bəzi Yük maşınları, məsələn, Toyota BT Levio pallet arabaları və BT staxio staxio yalnız aşağı temperaturlu hidravlik neft lazımdır, kiçik bir dəyişiklik tələb – bütün digər yollarla onlar tamamilə germetik komponentləri ilə soyuducu kameralar üçün əvvəlcədən nəzərdə tutulmuşdur. Bütün soyuducu Maşınlar qar yağışı simvolu ilə aydın şəkildə qeyd olunur. Bu, yük avtomobillərinin düzgün istifadə edilməməsi riskini azaltmaqla xərcləri azaltmağa kömək edir.
Cold store operations are one of the toughest material handling challenges. Sub-zero temperatures may affect your trucks’ battery capacity, electronics, lubrication, bodywork and drivers’ ability to operate the truck. Efficiency and uptime are crucial in frozen storage of perishable goods (such as fish, meat, fruit, dairy, etc). Therefore, to prevent breakdown and repair costs, dedicated cold store trucks are highly recommended. Depending on the model, the trucks are fitted with the necessary components (cold store oil, stainless steel axles, cold store platform, …) to keep productivity high in cold environments.
To find out which trucks and specs fit in your cold operations, contact us to get more information or order a site survey.
Our trucks and solutions are used in virtually every sector & environment. You can choose from a wide offer of material handling equipment, including manual and automated trucks, all built according to the high-quality standards of the Toyota Production System. But also different energy solutions, several types of racking that fit your goods and available space, and service tailored to your needs covering a wide network within Europe.
Condensation is one of the biggest technical challenges for your cold store operation. When going from a cold to an ambient zone, moisture will form all over the truck, which can freeze to ice when going in the cold again, damaging the truck’s components. That’s why we recommend having a chilled room outside the cold store area to minimise condensation on trucks and loads. Or to stay outside the cold area until the truck is dry before entering again. Another alternative is to stay in the cold store as long as possible: li-ion batteries for cold store allow operators to drive and charge in cold store for a long period.
Besides proper clothing and training for the operators who have to work in temperatures as low as -30°C, fully enclosed cabins with heaters are also available. These will keep them warm and healthy, helping them to stay productive throughout the shift. In combination with the lithium-ion battery with heater, the truck can also be charged within the cold store area during breaks. Offering high efficiency, while eliminating the need for battery exchange and condensation problems.
Both lead-acid and lithium-ion batteries can operate in cold store. But did you know that lead-acid batteries lose a significant amount of energy when operating within a cold store environment? Lithium-ion batteries on the other hand lose little to no battery performance within the cold store and have an energy efficiency that is up to 30% higher than lead-acid. This allows for a longer running time, and in combination with the ability to charge within the cold store thanks to our battery heater solution, the trucks are able to perform continuously throughout the shift. Having the truck always within the cold environment prevents condensation issues that occur when entering and exiting a cold store frequently.
The use of space in cold environments is extremely important as refrigerated air is expensive. Particularly in cold rooms with temperatures as low as -30°C, the space should be filled as efficiently as possible. Shuttle racking solutions and/or mobile racking are good ways to maximise the use of space whilst keeping throughput high.